3 min readAug 26, 2022


Lord, I thank you.
I thank you that you fill my heart with your love and that you are my friend.
Thank you for always being there for me, even when I walk away from you.
Thank you for life, my family, and my friends.
For the nights and days. The good and bad.
Thank you for the forgiveness of my sins and your spirit within me.
For… Lord you know I can’t thank you enough. I’ll have to go the whole of eternity doing that.
So lord, I just say thank you…for everything lord. Everything.

Lord Jesus, today, I wrap up another decades on earth.

So Jesus I pray that moving forward, the odds come to my favor.
I pray the years ahead from now on be the best years for me.
I pray your light overshadows the smallness of the darkness in my heart and cause me to pursue in the light.

I pray I experience abundance and there’s more for me.
I go for more. I do more.
I accomplish more. For I’m made for more
I experience miracle on miracles.
Without boundaries; without limits.

I talk with Jesus audibly and clearly.
My graves are turned to gardens.
My ashes to beauty. My seas into highways.
I live by love and for love. I’m opened to love.
I give love and I receive love.

Lord Jesus, I’m conscious my souls has a shepherd on the mountain and in the valley.
You’re my shepherd.
So I lack nothing. No! I lack nothing.
And nothing that belongs to me gets broken. Nothing gets missing.

This year, I grow in the understanding of God.
I’m given to excellence. I’m given to wisdom.
I’m cunny in knowledge and quick in understanding.
I’m without blemish and my services are rendered in the palaces of kings.

I’m not less of what you’ve made. I not less of who you made.
You’ve made me for impact and I live up to that standards.
I’m given to instructions, teachings and corrections. I’m given to the pruning of the father…

Abba, this new year starting today begins my youthful years.
In the name of Jesus, I declare that the glory of the lord rest upon my tabernacles.
My eyes see the glory of the lord.
My ears hear the glory of the lord
My hands feel the glory of the lord.
I experience the glory– the glory of the lord–
in my work. In my life.
When I pray. When I speak. When I write.
In my going. In my coming-

Your favor be upon me and a thousand generations. And my family and my children, and their children.

Your presence go before me and behind me.
And beside me, all around me, and within me Because you’re with me. Yes, you are for me.

The lord bless me. And keep me.
He makes his face shine upon me,
He’s gracious to me.
The lord turns his face towards me
And gives me peace.

Amen. Amen.





ANIMASHAUN || Man like David

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