To Heaven From Earth (A poem)

After Tosin Olayinka’s ‘From a glass jar to another glass jar’

1 min readAug 3, 2024
Photo by Jeremy Perkins on Unsplash

People tell me blankly to my face that I am ugly.
They say I am made from such material that is
crude, brute, and foul! And so no one can ever love me.
They are not wrong! It is exactly what I see when I look in a mirror.
Crude. Brute. And foul.
But you, you say you love me,
and that I am perfect the way I am.
Please tell me, what do you see when you look at me?
What difference do you see when you look upon my face?

Heaven replied:
I see the finished work of Him that forged you.
(You are) An art- beautiful, perfect, and without flaws.
When I look upon your face,
I see the face of Him that loved you
first, and long before the world knew you.
It is My face.
It is lovely and perfect, beautiful and without flaws.

• Boluwatife Animashaun TCW





ANIMASHAUN || Man like David

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